Cichlid Warehouse
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      Aristochromis is a small genus of haplochromine cichlids endemic to Lake Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania in East Africa. They are known as sleeper cichlids due to their unique hunting behavior. These piscivorous species are often seen lying motionless on the lake bottom near rocks where mbuna live, even adopting an unusual sideways position rarely seen in living fish. If smaller fishes approach, the Aristochromis will "wake up" and try to seize them.
      Astatotilapia is a genus of haplochromine cichlids from Africa, with a single species in Israel and Syria. Many species have been moved between this genus and Haplochromis, and while some consensus has been reached in recent years, their mutual delimitation is still far from settled.
      Aulonocara is a genus of haplochromine cichlids endemic to Lake Malawi in East Africa. All Aulonocara species are maternal mouth brooders. Aulonocara species are also known as peacock cichlids, aulonocaras or simply "peacocks". This genus is strongly sexually dichromic, even by haplochromine standards.
      Chilotilapia is a monotypic genus of cichlid fish. The single species, Chilotilapia Rhoadesii, is called Malawi Bream due to its looks. But it is quite unrelated to the breams proper, which are Cypriniformes. Chilotilapia Rhoadesii is endemic to Lake Malawi in east Africa.
      Copadichromis is a genus of haplochromine cichlids endemic to Lake Malawi in Eastern Africa. Many Copadichromis species are popular with aquarists who keep mbuna (Lake Malawi cichlids), as this genus is relatively peaceful in captivity.
      Cyphotilapia is a small genus of cichlids with only two species. Both species are endemic to Lake Tanganyika, with Cyphotilapia Frontosa being roughly confined to the northern half of the lake and Cyphotilapia Gibberosa being roughly confined to the southern half of the lake.
      Cyrtocara is a monotypic genus of cichlid fish. The single species, Cyrtocara moorii, is endemic to Lake Malawi in east Africa. The species is popular among aquarium keepers where it is known as the humphead cichlid, blue dolphin cichlid, Malawi dolphin or simply as moorii.
      Dimidiochromis is a genus of haplochromine cichlids endemic to Lake Malawi in East Africa. All of its species are elongated in shape and predatory on smaller fishes. At present, four species are placed in Dimidiochromis.
      Fossorochromis is a monotypic genus of cichlid endemic to Lake Malawi in East Africa, where it is found in the waters of Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania. The single species, Fossorochromis Rostratus, is a large, sexually dimorphic cichlid. Its natural habitat is freshwater lakes. As for most cichlids, brood care is highly developed, the eggs and larvae being mouthbrooded by the female.
      Hemichromis is a genus of fishes from the cichlid family, known in the aquarium trade as jewel cichlids. Jewel cichlids are native to Africa. Within West Africa, Hemichromis species are found in creeks, streams, rivers and lakes with a variety of water qualities including brackish water lagoons. Many Hemichromis species are brightly coloured, though brighter body colouration is generally evident during breeding. Sexual dimorphism is limited, though male jewel cichlids are typically more brightly coloured and in some species have more pointed anal, ventral and dorsal fins. In some species, such as Hemichromis cristatus, the females can have coloring as bright as the males. Like most cichlids, jewel cichlids have highly developed brood care. Hemichromis species typically form monogamous breeding pairs and the female spawns on a flat surface such as a leaf or stone. Both parents guard the eggs, and participate in fry raising.
      Hemitilapia is a monotypic genus of cichlid fish. The single species, the Giant Haplo (Hemitilapia oxyrhyncha) is a species of ray-finned fish in the family Cichlidae. It is sometimes still called Giant Haplochromis after its old genus Haplochromis. But it does not actually belong to the closest relatives of Haplochromis Obliquidens (the type species) and is thus usually separated in the monotypic genus Hemitilapia. This fish is found in Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania. Its natural habitat is freshwater lakes.
      Iodotropheus is a small genus of cichlid fish endemic to Lake Malawi in east Africa. It currently includes three species. The lavender mbuna, Iodotropheus Sprengerae, also known as the rusty cichlidis is the most commonly encountered member of the genus.
      Julidochromis is a genus of cichlids in the subfamily Pseudocrenilabrinae. They are commonly called julies and are endemic to Lake Tanganyika in eastern Africa. This genus includes at least 5 species, each with a number of subspecies and local variants of uncertain taxonomic status. Further taxonomic work is required to determine how many species exist; the closely related Chalinochromis with two more species is sometimes included here and this may be correct. Hybridization makes attempts to determine relationships with molecular phylogenetic methods difficult. These ray-finned fish are smallish to mid-sized (about 7–15 centimetres) and have a yellowish background colour with black lengthwise stripes or a checkerboard pattern.
      Labeotropheus is a small genus of cichlid fish endemic to Lake Malawi in eastern Africa. It includes at least two species, each with a number of subspecies or races. Further taxonomic work is required to determine how many species exist. Like many Malawi cichlids, Labeotropheus species are algal grazers.
      Labidochromis is a genus of cichlid fishes that are endemic to Lake Malawi in East Africa. The genus includes several formally described species and several yet undescribed species. It includes a number of species commonly kept in cichlid aquariums such as Labidochromis caeruleus (electric yellow). The species in this genus can easily hybridize so if kept in an aquarium it is recommended to only have one species from this genus.
Lake Malawi / Nyasa Cichlids
      Cichlid species from Lake Malawi / Nyasa.
Lake Tanganyika Cichlids
      Cichlid species from Lake Tanganyika.
Lake Victoria Cichlids
      Cichlid species from Lake Victoria.
      Lamprologus is a genus of fishes from the cichlid family. They are native to Lake Tanganyika and the Congo River Basin in Africa. The type species for this genus is Lamprologus congoensis, a species from the Congo River. The genus is under some revision and may eventually be restricted to these riverine types. There are currently nineteen species included in the genus.
      Melanochromis is a genus of haplochromine cichlids endemic to Lake Malawi in Eastern Africa. It was established by Ethylwynn Trewavas in 1935. Ecologically, they belong to the rock-dwelling mbuna cichlids of Lake Malawi. Melanochromis are typically small, slim but muscular fishes with lengthwise stripes of black, yellow and blue. They usually display strong sexual dichromatism. They are very aggressive, particularly amongst conspecifics and similarly patterned heterospecifics (such as Julidochromis). Thus, though they are popular aquarium fishes, they are not suited for beginners and community tanks.
Metriaclima / Maylandia
      Maylandia or Metriaclima is a genus of haplochromine cichlids endemic to Lake Malawi in East Africa. They belong to the mbuna (rock-dwelling) haplochromines. All species in this genus are relatively small fishes, less than 20 cm in length. Like most Lake Malawi cichlids, exhibit brood care via maternal mouth-brooding. Numerous members of the genus are traded as aquarium fish. They are attractive because they are brightly colored and often very sexually dimorphic; like other cichlids they are not suited for beginners and for most companion tanks. The correct name of its genus is not clear some authors prefer Maylandia, others Metriaclima.
      Mylochromis is a genus of haplochromine cichlids endemic to Lake Malawi in Eastern Africa. Many Mylochromis species are popular with aquarists who keep mbuna (Lake Malawi cichlids), as this genus is relatively peaceful in captivity.
      Neolamprologus is a genus of cichlid fishes endemic to eastern Africa with all but one species occurring in Lake Tanganyika. It is the largest genus of cichlids in Lake Tanganyika and also the largest genus in the tribe Lamprologini, which includes Altolamprologus, Chalinochromis, Julidochromis, Lamprologus, Lepidiolamprologus, Telmatochromis and Variabilichromis. The latter is a monotypic genus doubtfully distinct from Neolamprologus. It is already known for some time that according to mtDNA sequence analysis, this genus is very probably polyphyletic. It is likely that it will be revised eventually; if Variabilichromis is split off, at least some of the more ancient lineages currently polaced in Neolamprologus are probably worthy of separation also. However, the morphological similarity and numerous undescribed species do not make analyses easier, and as with many cichlids, recent speciation and abundant hybridization seriously confound molecular studies to the point where single-gene studies or those using only mtDNA or nDNA are essentially worthless for resolving Lamprologini phylogeny. While lineages are clearly different in their morphology, habits and ecology, gene flow between genera and species is common enough due to extremely low postzygotic isolation. Males of Neolamprologus apparently have always readily and successfully mated with females of other Lamprologini they found ready to spawn: mtDNA lineages similar to other Lamprologini genera are widely encountered in species placed in Neolamprologus. And not only do such hybrids seem to be fertile at least to a limited extent in many cases, new species often appear to originate from such interbreeding.
      Nimbochromis is a small genus of haplochromine cichlids endemic to Lake Malawi in East Africa. They are known as sleeper cichlids or (in Chichewa) kaligono ("sleepers"), due to their unique hunting behavior. These piscivorous species are often seen lying motionless on the lake bottom near rocks where mbuna live, even adopting an unusual sideways position rarely seen in living fish. If smaller fishes approach, the Nimbochromis will "wake up" and try to seize them. Their coloration has an irregular dark cloudy pattern on lighter background; for one thing, this provides camouflage, but it is also suspected that it is – at least in some – evolving into aggressive mimicry by imitating a rotting fish carcass and thus luring scavengers to their demise.
Other African Cichlids
      Cichlid species from other lakes and rivers in Africa.
      Otopharynx is a genus of haplochromine cichlids endemic to Lake Malawi in Eastern Africa. It currently contains 14 accepted species.
      The genus Placidochromis contains a number of species widely distributed across the lake, living in the so-called ‘intermediate habitat’, shallow water areas usually less than 30 metres in depth and containing both sand and rocks on the substrate. Placidochromis mostly feed on invertebrates found in the sand.
      Protomelas is a genus of haplochromine cichlids endemic to Lake Malawi in East Africa. The genus is part of the haplochromine tribe and have maternal mouthbrooding and sexual dimorphism typical of this group.
      Pseudotropheus is a genus of rock dwelling (Mbuna) cichlids found in Lake Malawi. Like some other large cichlid genera, such as Cichlasoma, a number of related fishes have been recently re-assigned to different genera such as Tropheops or Maylandia (see also: Metriaclima). Mbuna literally means "rock-dweller" and this description accurately depicts the lifestyle of these cichlids which mostly live in rocky areas. Most Pseudotrophine cichlids are algal grazers in the wild.
Pseudotropheus Elongatus
      The Elongatus is especially elongated for a mbuna. The body is very slender and there is a small hump on the forehead. Several different color morphs are known. Two morphs are seen more than the others. The first has a black body with eight transverse bands that are dark blue in color. The second commonly seen morph has an indigo blue body with six to 12 black bands. Sometimes fewer bands are present because they fade. In most morphs the fins are black in color.
      Sciaenochromis is a genus of haplochromine cichlids endemic to Lake Malawi in East Africa. It includes at least 4 species. Only males possess the impressive, electric blue coloration, while females are dull grey, and generally similar to the females of Aulonocara species. All Sciaenochromis are piscivores (fish-eaters) and prey mainly upon the fry of mbuna and other haplochromine cichlids.
Special Mixes
      Mixes of various of the most popular species.
      Steatocranus (Boulenger, 1899) is a small genus of rheophilic cichlid fish. Most are endemic to the Congo River Basin in DR Congo/Congo Brazzaville, although one species, S. irvinei, is restricted to the Volta River in Ghana. The genus currently includes 9 formally described species, and at least 10 undescribed species, all of which have relatively reduced swim bladder function. The name Steatocranus refers to the fatty deposit on the forehead of most species. Two species, S. casuarius (also known as the Buffalohead Cichlid) and S. tinanti are relatively common in the aquarium trade. As for other cichlids brood care is highly developed and both sexes are involved in raising the young. All Steatocranus species are secretive cave spawners and form monogamous pairs for breeding. The female is more actively involved in fry raising, while the male is primarily concerned with territorial defence.
      Tropheus is a small genus of six species of cichlid fish endemic to Lake Tanganyika in East Africa. The genus Tropheus is widespread across all regions of lake Tanganyika, from Burundi in the North to Zambia in the South.Males and females are relatively similar but do display obvious sexual dimorphism. Males attain a somewhat larger size. All species maternally mouthbrood their eggs and fry and it is this characteristic that provides their latin name. Tropheus comes from the Greek "trophos" which means "to nurture". The genus is fished lightly by the local population but has never become a staple food fish due to its relatively small size and its habitat which enables it to dart between rocks when threatened. Most species occur along the coastal fringes of the lake at depths of less than 3 metres. These rocky shores, with numerous rocky outcroppings and boulder formations form a habitat similar to many of the mbuna cichlids of Lake Malawi. This habitat provides shelter and, due to the shallow depth and the long hours of strong sunlight, heavy algal growth on which the Tropheus feed. The only tropheus species to dwell further out and deeper in the lake is Tropheus Duboisi which in general inhabits deeper regions of the lake down to around 15-20 metres. All species are algal grazers and have underslung mouths adapted to rasping algae and microinvertebrates from submerged rocks. The genus is popular with aquarium hobbyists due to the beautiful markings and interesting behaviour of the fish. Tropheus Moorii in particular has become something of a cult fish within the hobby and many keepers have specialised in keeping nothing else.
Cichlid Warehouse Description
      Cichlid Warehouse is one of the biggest African cichlid breeders in South Africa and specializes in breeding and raising cichlid species from Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria as well as a few other species of cichlid from all over the world.
      Cichlid,Cichlid Breeder,Cichlid Breeders,Cichlid Breeding,Cichlid Wholesaler,Cichlid Wholesalers,Cichlids,Cichlids for Sale,Cichlids Wholesale,Malawi Cichlids,Tanganyika Cichlids,Victoria Cichlids,African Cichlids
      Hemichromis Hemichromis Lifalili, Pseudotropheus Elongatus Pseudotropheus Elongatus Chailosi, Astatotilapia Astatotilapia Latifasciata, Cyphotilapia Cyphotilapia Frontosa, Special Mixes Special Mix - 70 specimens (35 - 40mm), Astatotilapia Astatotilapia Flameback, Pseudotropheus Elongatus Pseudotropheus Elongatus Chewere, Special Mixes Special Mix - 50 specimens (50mm), Astatotilapia Astatotilapia Nubila, Pseudotropheus Elongatus Pseudotropheus Elongatus Mpanga, Pseudotropheus Elongatus Pseudotropheus Elongatus Ornatus, Pseudotropheus Elongatus Pseudotropheus Elongatus Usisya, Julidochromis Julidochromis Dickfeldi, Aristochromis Aristochromis Christyi, Steatocranus Steatocranus Casuarius, Julidochromis Julidochromis Marlieri, Julidochromis Julidochromis Ornatus, Julidochromis Julidochromis Regani, Julidochromis Julidochromis Transcriptus, Aulonocara Aulonocara Baenschi, Lamprologus Lamprologus Multifasciatus , Aulonocara Aulonocara Firefish, Aulonocara Aulonocara Hansbaenschi, Aulonocara Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi, Aulonocara Aulonocara Maylandi, Aulonocara Aulonocara OB (Orange-Blotched), Aulonocara Aulonocara OB (Orange-Blotched) Albino, Aulonocara Aulonocara Rubescens, Aulonocara Aulonocara Tangerine, Neolamprologus Neolamprologus Brichardi, Chilotilapia Chilotilapia Rhoadesii, Neolamprologus Neolamprologus Brichardi Albino, Neolamprologus Neolamprologus Cylindricus, Neolamprologus Neolamprologus Leleupi, Neolamprologus Neolamprologus Pulcher, Tropheus Tropheus Brichardi, Copadichromis Copadichromis Azureus, Tropheus Tropheus Moorii "Firecracker", Copadichromis Copadichromis Borleyi / Goldfin / Redfin, Cyrtocara Cyrtocara Moorii, Dimidiochromis Dimidiochromis Compressiceps, Dimidiochromis Dimidiochromis Compressiceps Albino, Dimidiochromis Dimidiochromis OB (Orange-Blotched), Fossorochromis Fossorochromis Rostratus, Hemitilapia Hemitilapia Oxyrhyncha, Iodotropheus Iodotropheus Sprengerae, Labeotropheus Labeotropheus Fuelleborni, Labeotropheus Labeotropheus Trewavasae, Labeotropheus Labeotropheus Trewavasae OB (Orange-Blotched), Labidochromis Labidochromis Caeruleus / Electric Yellow, Labidochromis Labidochromis Chisumulae , Labidochromis Labidochromis Hongi / Kimpuma, Labidochromis Labidochromis Hybrid Yellow , Labidochromis Labidochromis Perlmutt, Melanochromis Melanochromis Auratus, Melanochromis Melanochromis Auratus Albino, Melanochromis Melanochromis Chipokae, Melanochromis Melanochromis Cyaneorhabdos , Melanochromis Melanochromis Joanjohnsonae / Exasperatus, Melanochromis Melanochromis Johannii / Johanni, Melanochromis Melanochromis Kaskazini / Northern Blue, Melanochromis Melanochromis Perileucos, Metriaclima / Maylandia Metriaclima Callainos / Cobalt Blue, Metriaclima / Maylandia Metriaclima Callainos / Cobalt Blue Albino, Metriaclima / Maylandia Metriaclima Chilumba, Metriaclima / Maylandia Metriaclima Crabro / Chamaeleon, Metriaclima / Maylandia Metriaclima Daktari, Metriaclima / Maylandia Metriaclima Emmiltos / Red Top Zebra, Metriaclima / Maylandia Metriaclima Estherae / Red Zebra, Metriaclima / Maylandia Metriaclima Greshakei / Ice Blue Zebra, Metriaclima / Maylandia Metriaclima Greshakei / Ice Blue Zebra Albino, Metriaclima / Maylandia Metriaclima Hajomaylandi / Greberi, Metriaclima / Maylandia Metriaclima Lombardoi / Kenyi, Metriaclima / Maylandia Metriaclima Zebra OB (Orange-Blotched), Mylochromis Mylochromis Lateristriga, Nimbochromis Nimbochromis Fuscotaeniatus, Nimbochromis Nimbochromis Livingstonii, Nimbochromis Nimbochromis Polystigma, Nimbochromis Nimbochromis Venustus, Otopharynx Otopharynx Spelaeotes King Cave, Placidochromis Placidochromis Milomo, Placidochromis Placidochromis Electra, Protomelas Protomelas Ornatus, Protomelas Protomelas Spilonotus / Sulphurhead, Protomelas Protomelas Steveni Taiwan (Taiwan Reef), Protomelas Protomelas Taeniolatus / Red Empress, Pseudotropheus Pseudotropheus Acei, Pseudotropheus Pseudotropheus Aurora, Pseudotropheus Pseudotropheus Demasoni, Pseudotropheus Pseudotropheus Flavus, Pseudotropheus Pseudotropheus Perspicax / Orange Cap, Pseudotropheus Pseudotropheus Saulosi, Pseudotropheus Pseudotropheus Socolofi, Pseudotropheus Pseudotropheus Socolofi Albino, Pseudotropheus Pseudotropheus Tropheops Red Cheek, Pseudotropheus Pseudotropheus Yellow Zebra, Sciaenochromis Sciaenochromis Fryeri / Ahli,
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Cichlid Warehouse is one of the biggest African cichlid breeders in South Africa and specializes in breeding and raising cichlid species from Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria as well as a few other species of cichlid from all over the world.
Cichlid,Cichlid Breeder,Cichlid Breeders,Cichlid Breeding,Cichlid Wholesaler,Cichlid Wholesalers,Cichlids,Cichlids for Sale,Cichlids Wholesale,Malawi Cichlids,Tanganyika Cichlids,Victoria Cichlids,African Cichlids

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