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Neolamprologus Brichardi
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Neolamprologus Brichardi
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The Neolamprologus Brichardi is also known as the Fairy Cichlid. The beauty is not necessarily from stunning colour, but rather their long and graceful filaments that adorn the unpaired fins of the adults. A fine specimen of Neolamprologus Brichardi will also have a beautiful blue pattern on its cheeks. The Brichardi was named after Pierre Brichard, a Belgian who set up a collection station, for the export of Tanganyikan cichlids in 1971, named "Fishes of Burundi." The Neolamprologus Brichardi is unique in a number of ways. First, this fish is a substrate spawner utilizing the rocky rubble to do so. While this is not unique on its own, it is the only known substrate-spawning cichlid that also schools. It is not unheard of to find a school numbering near 100,000 individuals within a 50 meter square area. A second unique characteristic of its spawning habits in the wild, are in the rearing of the fry. It is the only known fish in Africa that utilizes a collective nursery. This means that adults, subadults, and even half-grown fry all participate in a multi-generational rearing of the fry. Neolamprologus Brichardi individuals not only care for their own fry but the fry of those who spawn around them as well as keep vigil over other adults when actively spawning. The Neolamprologus Brichardi specializes on feeding from the rocky biocover, picking at small crustaceans and invertebrates. It will also feed on swarms of plankton when available.

Size : 9cm
Neolamprologus Brichardi Albino
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Neolamprologus Brichardi Albino
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The Neolamprologus Brichardi was named after Pierre Brichard, a Belgian who set up a collection station, for the export of Tanganyikan cichlids in 1971, named "Fishes of Burundi." The Neolamprologus Brichardi is unique in a number of ways. First, this fish is a substrate spawner (lays eggs on substrate), utilizing the rocky rubble to do so. While this is not unique on its own, it is the only known substrate-spawning cichlid that also schools. It is not unheard of to find a school numbering near 100,000 individuals within a 50 meter square area. A second unique characteristic of its spawning habits in the wild, are in the rearing of the fry. It is the only known fish in Africa that utilizes a collective nursery. This means that adults, subadults, and even half-grown fry all participate in a multi-generational rearing of the fry. Neolamprologus Brichardi individuals not only care for their own fry but the fry of those who spawn around them as well as keep vigil over other adults when actively spawning. The Neolamprologus Brichardi specializes on feeding from the rocky biocover, picking at small crustaceans and invertebrates. It will also feed on swarms of plankton when available.

Size : 9cm
Neolamprologus Cylindricus
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Neolamprologus Cylindricus
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Neolamprologus Cylindricus is regarded by many as simply a leleupi without any color. I mention this not to lessen the intrigue this rock-dwelling lamprologine has to offer, but to emphasize just how closely these two species resemeble one another, both in appearance and behavior. First and foremost, Neolamprologus Cylindricus is a rock-dwelling, substrate spawner. Both in the wild and in the tank, cylindricus stay very close to the rocks. Mine rarely ever stray more than a few inches from their caves, in contrast to the leleupi who are always out and about, but then use the caves to spawn. Cylindricus are always swimming in and out of my holey rock, and are usually found swimming on their sides or upside down, always hugging the rocks, which undoubtedly give them a sense of security. The adult male pictured to the left here, is usually found camped out in this little cave he's claimed.

Size : 12cm
Neolamprologus Leleupi
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Neolamprologus Leleupi
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Neolamprologus Leleupi is endemic to Lake Tanganyika. They are collected from several locations along both the east and west coasts of the lake, and particularly from Bulu Point, Tanzania and Bemba, Zaire. Not all Neolamprologus Leleupi are orange or yellow. Even though the yellowish orange variant is signifcantly more abundant in the lake, two other color morphs are not infrequently seen occupying the same habitats: silvery-beige and brownish-black.The dark morph was identified early on; nevertheless, both have been classified together.

Size : 11cm
Neolamprologus Pulcher
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Neolamprologus Pulcher
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Also known as the Daffodil Cichlid and Endemic to Lake Tanganyika with a widespread distribution throughout the southern parts of the lake. This fish aggressively defends its fry, to the point of pushing cohabitants into the corners. It is best kept either in a species tank, or with established robust Lamprologines or a large school of Cyprichromis. In the wild they congregate in large schools, usually several hundred individuals large. They dine on small crustaceans, insect larvae and plankton in the wild. Neolamprologus Pulcher is a graceful fish and has a very pleasing coloration. They have a light colored tan body washed with hints of yellow and bluish purple spots. The yellow is stronger along the upper portion of the body and onto the dorsal fin, and around the base of the pectoral fin. There are two vertical crescent shaped bars just behind the eye highlighted with a bit of blue. The dorsal fin is lyre shaped and they develop long flowing filaments on all unpaired fins. The fins are tipped with an icy blue. They have brilliant blue eyes.

Size : 9cm
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Cichlid Warehouse is one of the biggest African cichlid breeders in South Africa and specializes in breeding and raising cichlid species from Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria as well as a few other species of cichlid from all over the world.
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