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Copadichromis Azureus
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Copadichromis Azureus
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Copadichromis Azureus is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family. It is endemic to Lake Malawi and found around Mbenji Island, Nkhomo Reef, Chimwalani Reef and Maleri Islands. This fish prefers the open water and in the wild is often found at depths of 15 - 23 meters.

Size : 17cm
Copadichromis Borleyi / Goldfin / Redfin
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Copadichromis Borleyi / Goldfin / Redfin
Blank Separator
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Copadichromis Borleyi is a species of cichlid fish endemic to Lake Malawi in East Africa. Found at nearly every rocky habitat along the shoreline of Lake Malawi. The species has numerous common names used in the ornamental fish trade including "Redfin Hap" (or "Happy" or "Haplo") and "Goldfin Hap".

Size : 16cm
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Cichlid Warehouse is one of the biggest African cichlid breeders in South Africa and specializes in breeding and raising cichlid species from Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria as well as a few other species of cichlid from all over the world.
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