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Hemitilapia Oxyrhyncha
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Hemitilapia Oxyrhyncha
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Hemitilapia oxyrhyncha is mouthbrooding cichlid found throughout Lake Malawi. This fish was first typed by Boulenger in 1902. Synonyms for this fish are Hemitilapia oxyrhynchus and Tilapia oxyrhynchus. Although this fish is rarely exported from the lake, lately (latter half of 2009) it has appeared on a few wholesalers lists. Hemitilapia oxyrhyncha gets large and the common name "Giant Hap" is an apt one. Males get up to about 9 inches. Females stay quite a bit smaller, probably topping out at six inches. Males can be very colorful with an overall blue sheen, and and red scale edges and anal fin. Green, yellow and orange speckles are found in the caudal fin. Males have feathery edges to the caudal and dorsal fins. The dorsal fin extends almost to the end of the tail. Females (Right) have an tan-grey background with some large spots high up on the back. Hemitilapia oxyrhyncha is an aggressive hap. As expected, males will fight with males, but it is not unusual to see females jaw locking, too. I do not recommend keeping Hemitilapia oxyrhyncha with Malawi Peacocks (Aulonocara species). My experience is that they will harass conspecifics.

Size : 22cm
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Cichlid Warehouse is one of the biggest African cichlid breeders in South Africa and specializes in breeding and raising cichlid species from Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria as well as a few other species of cichlid from all over the world.
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